What happens when the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is out of balance and how do we rebalance it?

Our Solar Plexus Chakra governs our identity, personality, and how we interact with others. The Solar Plexus Chakra energy provides momentum for you to take action and realise your goals. When you have a balanced Solar Plexus Chakra you will feel calm, confident and have control of where you want to go in life. What […]

Crystals for Aries (21 Mar to 19 Apr)

Aries are passionate, adorable, popular, successful and admired by many. However, this may cause some insecurity for them, wondering how others view them. Aries are fully of vitality and enthusiasm, and may get bored and distracted easily. Crystals can help re-balance the positive energies of an Aries and bring balance concentration and harmony into their […]

Do you know what a Chevron Amethyst can do for you?

Chevron Amethyst– brings balance to the mind, body and spirit– a calming stone that bring clarity to the mind and stimulating our creativity– helps us become more focused and feeling less scattered– assists us in making logical and sensible decisions using our intellect and our intuition

What happens when the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) is out of balance and how do we rebalance it?

Our Sacral Chakra governs our emotional and sensual part of our lives, and our interaction with others. The Sacral Chakra teaches us to enjoy life through our senses and passion. When you have a balanced Sacral Chakra you will feel confident with expressing your creative ideas and enjoying the pleasures of life. What happens when the sacral […]

Crystals for Pisces (19 Feb to 20 Mar)

Pisceans love to support others. and have a huge emotional capacity. However, with Neptune as a Ruling Planet, they sometimes become a little overwhelmed by other people’s feelings, and overlook their own needs. Crystals can help re-balance the positive energies of a Piscean and bring balance inner peace and harmony into their lives.

Do you know what Blue Calcite can do for you?

In general, Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Calcite helps connects the emotions with the intellect, allowing us to become aware of our own energies when interacting with others.

Happy International Womens Day!

To all the incredible and strong females in this world – Happy International Women’s Day!!! “We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free” – Kavita Ramdas