Join Us on 28 Feb, 2021 – Sunday Discovery Markets

We will be at Stall #510 at the Sunday Discovery Markets on 28 February, 2021. We have products that are great gift ideas for a birthday, special occasion, for a housewarming or just for yourself. Bring your friends and family along and we will be waiting for you.

How to achieve your goals with success?

Many times we forget that achieving our goals and visions are a journey in itself. It is perfectly alright to dream big but always have plan and take baby steps, ie start small and work your way to your success.

What are Chakras?

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in your body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs.

What do you want to see in the world?

Let’s start off strong and act as the change that you want to see in this world! “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Click here for more Inspirational posts

What crystals can help balance our chakras?

The Chakra Bracelet consists of Black Tourmaline, Orange Carnelian, Yellow Citrine, Green Aventurine, Purple Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Hematite for extra balance of the mind, and a Black Obsidian accent bead.

What Crystals are for New Beginnings & Hope?

For us who are in need of a new beginning, here are some crystals that will aid you in your journey! 1. Carnelian: It promotes vitality and motivation.2. Aventurine: It brings optimism and positive outlook.3. Blue Kyanite: It promotes open-mindedness and honest communication.4. Citrine: It brings joy and prosperity.5. Tiger Eye: It instills confidence and […]

Everything you can imagine is real

Things we have imagined and will imagine from now on, they are all real! All it requires of us to turn it into reality is our effort. Let’s start the week off with another step to turning our imaginations into reality! Click here for more Inspirational posts