My Journey
I was listening to Louise Hays on YouTube wanting to make improvements to my life. She mentioned that Abraham is the best teacher on Earth. I started searching “Who is Abraham?”. In a few clicks, I am watching the teachings of Abraham. In this video, I got to know about this book called “Ask and It is Given” written by Esther and Jerry Hicks. I went to the bookstore and could not find the book on the shelves. As I was about to leave the shop a little disappoint, a book on the table caught my eye and I thought “No way….”.
Divine Timing
I was amazed at how many times I had picked up this book over the past 15-20 years and had always put it back down, thinking it might be a boring book based on the cover. Talk about judging a book by its cover! LOL! I realized “Now” is a perfect time as I want to learn how to manifest my dreams and create my new reality. I bought the book and started reading. My fingers turned page after page non-stop and in no time, I had finished reading the book.
Why should you buy this book?
This is a fabulous investment if you are looking to transform or improve your life. It is a book about learning how to manifest your desires through The Teachings of Abraham. Abraham shares 21 practical processes that help us manifest what we want in our life. It is tailored to each individual’s “emotional state” or what Abraham refers to “vibrational frequency” and offers processes that fits our unique situation. I have incorporated many of them into my daily routine.
This book is a game changer. I highly recommend it to anymore looking to make a positive change in their lives. It is a resource I continue to go to for guidance and it always helps me out each time. Keep an open mind and give it a go. Press the “Buy Now” button today.
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