Tag Archives: Crystal Healing

What Do You See?

If you see that events are working against you, it will set off a chain of chemical reaction in your emotions. You may feel anxious, sad, angry or frustration, ie all the low vibrational frequency that leads to negativity. Always see the good in every situation and you will be at harmony with yourself and […]

Orange Calcite

In general, Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Calcite helps connects the emotions with the intellect, allowing us to become aware of our own energies when interacting with others. Healing Properties: helps with increasing creativity and enjoying life’s pleasures helps understand our relationship to ourselves and others assists in speeding up development and growth […]


Healing Properties: increases awareness, retention and understanding of information received improves clarity of mind and insight into a situation assists with retrieval of information or accessing deeper levels of memory Due to its high vibrational energy, you may feel unstable or light headed, therefore use with a grounding stone such as black tourmaline, hematite or […]